Personal Development
Personal devolpment
At Magdalen Court School we aim to provide a safe, positive learning environment where our learners feel they belong, can believe in themselves, developing confidence and resilience as learners. We support them to achieve the desired outcomes to be successful in their next steps on the path to the world of work and independence, well-prepared for life and adulthood, who are keen to make a difference to the world they live in.
Personal Development is an essential part of a learner's education. It gives learners the opportunity to develop their life skills, developing personal qualities, their abilities and achievements. At Magdalen Court we provide a tailored curriculum that is both broad and balanced, and meets the unique context of our school.
We group these within the following areas:
- Communication
- Community
- Independent Living
- World of Work
- Environment
- Number Handling
- Health & Wellbeing
- Sport and Leisure
- Science & Technology
- The Wider World
- Expressive Arts
Personal Development also has many links with other subjects across the curriculum which are encouraged and developed.
Personal Development is timetabled throughout the key stages. The primary years up to the end of year 8 follow the
programme. It focusses on the areas that are important for success in adult life. The primary years focus on travelling in the community, personal care and hygiene, shopping and cooking skills as well as supporting community events. There is a focus challenge for each half-term with some half-terms consisting of two challenges.
From year 9 onwards, learners study towards the
Learners complete units under the broad heading during their time with us. Learners gather units and work towards a Bronze, Silver or Gold accreditation. Each learner compiles a portfolio of evidence to show their achievements. Learners plan and review their work and reflect on how their skills have developed within 6 key areas: ability to learn, teamwork, problem-solving, IT skills, English and Maths.
Our Personal Development curriculum prepares pupils to have sufficient knowledge and skills in preparation for adulthood and their personal path to independence beyond school and stage in their lives. They learn crucial life skills that enable them to live as independently as possible and have developed skills to be an active member of their community.
The personal development programme will also support them in joining the world of work with the development of their employability skills.